Christ is Among Us! Al-Maseeh Ma’na!

Join us Sundays, Orthros at 9:05 AM, Divine Liturgy 10:30 AM at 6900 Denton Highway, Suite 106,  Watauga, TX 76148

Christ is Among Us! Al-Maseeh Ma’na!

Join us Sundays, Orthros at 9:05 AM, Divine Liturgy 10:30 AM at 6900 Denton Highway, Suite 106,  Watauga, TX 76148

Christ is Among Us! Al-Maseeh Ma’na!

Join us Sundays, Orthros at 9:05 AM, Divine Liturgy 10:30 AM at 6900 Denton Highway, Suite 106,  Watauga, TX 76148

Important News

Divine Liturgy | Sunday 10:30 AM

Sunday Orthros: 9:05 AM

Divine Liturgy: 10:30 AM

Location | Watauga, TX

6900 Denton Highway, Suite 106

Watauga, TX 76148

Parish Night

Parish Night every Wednesday Evening – Vespers at 7:15 PM followed by fellowship.

Great Vespers | Every Saturday 5:15PM

Every Saturday of the month, join us for Great Vespers followed by the Mystery of Holy Repentence (Confession)

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Welcome to the Dallas-Fort Worth Melkite Catholic Outreach

In a topsy-turvy world filled with so many trials, struggles, and disappointments, everyone needs a good word – a word of hope.  Melkite Catholics offer that word: Christ is among us!

At the beginning of His public ministry, our Blessed Lord proclaimed: “Be converted (Metanoia) for the kingdom of Heaven has come near” (Mt 4:17).

Metanoia is a Greek word that means to change the way you are seeing.  And why?  The Kingdom is near.  The Kingdom is a person – Jesus the Christ.  How did the first Christians respond to this Good News – the Gospel? “They devoted themselves to the Apostles’ teaching and fellowship/communion, the breaking of the bread (Eucharist) and the prayers” (Acts 2:42).

Melkite Catholics have made those Scriptural words a lived reality for two thousand years.  While in communion with the Bishop of Rome (Pope), Melkites are Antiochian Christians.  They are, therefore, Eastern Christians rather than Western Christians.  Antiochian Christians belong to the ancient Church of Antioch, that biblical land where God became Man, the region where the followers of Christ were first called Christians (Acts 11:26), and the region in which Saint Peter resided before going to Rome.  Melkites have a rich and varied history noted for their love of Christ, the Apostolic Faith, and its communal life – a parish life that resembles a genuine family.

If you have found this webpage, then it is Providential.  Maybe God is inviting you to explore the possibility to become a Melkite Catholic.  Catholic means universal, therefore, you are invited; no one is excluded!  We invite you to explore, peruse, and familiarize yourself with this webpage in order to have a glimpse into who we are.

Nonetheless, nothing replaces personal experience.  Join us for prayer, to inquire/learn, and to socialize.  Melkite Catholics are about community because God is a Communion of Persons. That is the heart and soul of what it means to be an authentic Catholic  – to be a person of communion.  It is, therefore, the identifying mark – the heart – of the Dallas-Fort Worth Melkite Outreach.

For more information, do not hesitate to give Father Marc Mallick a call at 817-266-1281 or email him at

The Baptismal Life and the Outreach (Parish) – Part I of III

What does it mean to become baptized? To understand the meaning and event of baptism one must grasp first Who the Church is.  The Church is the Trinitarian Communion of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Church is without beginning, without end and eternal,...

The Gift of Baptism and Parish Life – They Cannot Be Separated – Part II

The first essay established the fundamental teaching that the Church is the Communion of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  The human person is created to become a participant in that Trinitarian Communion. The means to participate in the new life of restored communion is...

Parish Life and Stewardship – Part III

Members of a parish belong to a Holy Body and Heavenly Family. In the human body, all organs are organically and integrally connected.  When the parts of the body: heart, brain, liver, feet, skin, etc. work in harmony, fulfilling their created purpose, it experiences...

The Antithesis to the Baptismal Life

“To be a Christian is to be part of the body of Christ. And when we think of ourselves collectively, we are not simply a collection of individuals, we are a very mysterious body… how can we become this body together - not simply by becoming ourselves more holy, more...

This Is the Day the Lord Has Made—Even During a Pandemic

PUBLISHED AT ADORAMUS.ORG By father marcus mallick In an attempt to contain the spread of COVID-19, government leaders in the United States made the historically unprecedented decision to shut down all non-essential services. Religious services were deemed...

A Reflection Before the Nativity

On this eve of the final Sunday before the celebration of the Nativity, the theme of light and darkness is relevant.  Soon, an astronomical sign will appear in the sky: the alignment of Jupiter and Saturn.  It happens every twenty years; however, these two celestial...

The Transfiguration of Christ Reveals the Transfiguration of the Human Person

The Catholic liturgy has been and continues to be an indispensable source by which the Church passes on, preserves, and expresses the one, holy, Catholic, and apostolic faith. One particularly significant liturgy is the Feast of the Transfiguration celebrated on...